In Memory of My Beloved Brother Greg
Suicide Support and Guestbook

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Click here for Everybody Hurts by REM

REM is a band that openly speaks about suicide awareness and prevention

Suicide Hurts

Hello, my name is Heather. Four days after Christmas 2000, I got the call nobody wants to receive... my brother had taken his own life. My world came crashing down. Even though we were never really close while living at home, since he had gone to college we had started to build our own sibling bond as friends. I looked up to him, and wanted so much for him to be successful in his life. I would always tease him about having a niece or nephew and I wanted to see who he would pick to me my sister in law. Little did I ever know.
I designed this page so that if you or someone you know is a survivor of suicide, they can find the support they need. I am a member of these online support groups, and I find them very helpful.
What my brother didn't realize is that suicide hurts the ones left behind. I know that if he would have stopped to think about it, he would not have wanted to hurt us like this. We are coping the best we can, but it takes a lot of time, and caring friends, and spending time with family members to make it through this. Everyone grieves differently, so be patient with those around you who are dealing with such a loss. And NEVER be afraid to ask us how we are doing, and if the tears come remember IT IS NOT YOUR FAULT, just the anger, frustration and the plain missing them. NEVER say we should be over it by now, or it's been six months (for example). We will never be over it,and the pain will be with us forever even though we may be able to function in our daily tasks....the thoughts and memories are always there. So grab a Kleenex and cry with us, or just lend us an ear. We need to tell our stories, the same ones we have told a thousand times or more, but each one meaning so much. We will be forever friends.

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This ribbon is in memory of all of those who have chosen this tragic road. The ones we miss so much. The ones we will one day see again.


The links below will take you to suicide survivor sites and online support.

Journey Through Suicide Grief
